About the Author

Gene Miller is a debut author with his collection of 15 short stories entitled, WARNING: Short Stories for Middle School Boys Only Because Girls Have Cooties! His forty-four year career in public education from grades seven through college provided him with an experienced background in educating children, adults, and having many experiences related to adolescence.
Miller wrote this nonfiction, short story collection for his two oldest grandchildren at the time they were on the verge of attending fifth and third grade. He wanted to provide some bedtime stories for the boys, which they would eventually be able to read for themselves. Each story includes humor, adventure, friendships, and the goal of attempting to grow up in the age of adolescence during the mid-1960’s.
Miller grew up in Delanco, New Jersey which is located along the Delaware River in South Jersey, just north of Philadelphia, below Trenton. He attended Riverside High School until the middle of his sophomore year, then moved to Vincentown, New Jersey, which is located at the edge of the Pine Barrens, the largest track of preserved farms and forests along the east coast. He is a 1974 graduate of Lenape Regional High School and graduated from Glassboro State College as an English/History double major in 1978. Later in 1997, Miller received his MA in Educational Leadership from Rowan University.
Although Miller’s writing career is short, his professional career is long. Nineteen years of teaching English and History grades seven to twelve at Overbrook Regional High School while coaching a sport every year, two years as assistant principal at Hammonton High School, fourteen years as principal to Hammonton Middle School, and nine years teaching in The School of Education at Stockton University. Miller still resides in The Pine Barrens in Shamong Township with his wife of forty-three years. They have three children and eight grandchildren.